YouTube recently announced on its blog that it was rolling out more robust analytics reporting (thanks to paidContent for surfacing the post, given that I hadn't subscribed to the YouTube blog... that will change today).
I haven't posted any videos to my personal account in almost a year, so those of you with more recent videos will have to report back what you think.
So far, the stats must be viewed for each individual video:
As for now, you can find currently available metrics by clicking under the "About this Video" button under "My account > Videos, Favorites, Playlists > Manage my Videos."It took me three tries to figure out that instruction. Here's a screenshot that I hope will help you fumble around less than I did (e-mail recipients will likely have to go to the blog to see the image):
Who knew that my kids and their friends having a pillow fight at a reunion last spring would be most popular in Germany?